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Then about in the middle of the page look for Click Here To Download in blue letters. Click that to start the download.
Here is what's different after applying the patch:
1) Registration - This version is always registered for everyone, no matter what
2) max # of days on intraday charts increased from 20 to 60 - it still defaults to 20, but you can go to preferences and increase to 60. NOTE: right now there are 2 sources that can backfill 60 - TDA and IQFeed. But for others, QT will still store the data so you will build it up over time.
但今天突然发现安装的3.9.8版本本来对某些股票的backfill就存在问题:比如新股QIHU之类,相关信息类似之前碰到的,见文章 继续:QuoteTracker Backfill数据的问题,但直接替换到3.9.3a版本,backfill却正常,怪异了,难道是client的bug?
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